students standing on the playground smiling for the camera

Enrollment Lottery & Intent to Enroll

Thank you for your interest in Crater Lake Academy!

To fill out the Intent to Enroll application please click the appropriate link based on whether your student currently attends an Eagle Point School District 9 school, or whether they do not attend an EPSD9 school.

Following submission of the Intent to Enroll form for your student, you will be required to have two meetings with representatives from CLA before your student is officially placed on the Enrollment Lottery and Waitlist.  These meetings will be a combination of phone and face-to-face meetings.  Please make sure that the contact information you submit is accurate and that your phone accepts voicemails.  You can find more information on the Intent to Enroll and Lottery process below.

Please note that prior year submissions to the Waitlist do NOT roll over.  A separate application must be submitted for EACH student applying to the lottery/waitlist (INCLUDING siblings).  Though the form asks for the names of siblings (living in the same household) currently enrolled at CLA, it is strictly for reference and does not take the place of a separate application.

2024/2025 Enrollment & Waitlist

The Enrollment Lottery for the 2024/2025 school year will open on April 1st and close on April 30th. The Enrollment Lottery will be held on May 3rd. Applications made after April 30th and students not drawn in the Lottery will become the waitlist for the 2024/2025 school year. Once the Intent to Enroll process is complete, students will be drawn from the waitlist when a spot becomes available.

2024/2025 Intent to Enroll Form

How does the Lottery work?

Enrollment at Crater Lake Academy is open to any student in grades K-12 living in Jackson County and surrounding areas who can attend in-person learning for a minimum of 30 minutes per week, with CLA Administration being able to require additional time in person.

Each Spring the Crater Lake Academy Board sets a cap on the number of students that can be enrolled the following school year. Once the cap has been set, the annual lottery process can begin.

For the 2024/2025 school year, the cap for CLA’s Elementary, Middle School, and High School campuses will be set at 400 students.

Education Programs will be defined as:

  • Elementary Education Programs:

    • Traditional Charter Program: Grades Kindergarten through 5th based at CLA’s Eagle Point campus.

  • Middle School Education Programs: 

    • Traditional Charter Program: Grades 6th through 8th based at CLA’s Eagle Point campus.

  • High School Education Programs: 

    • Traditional Charter Program: Grades 9th through 12th based at CLA’s White City campus. 

*If there are more students currently in a grade level than the cap allotment for the next grade cap level, they will all be allowed to enter the next grade, exceeding the set grade level cap, with an adjustment being made to the other grade levels so as to not exceed the total program level caps. Grades kindergarten through 8th will comprise the K-8 Education Program. The High School Education Programs will include the traditional charter program located on the White City campus, serving Grades 9th through 12th. 

If a grade-level waitlist is fully exhausted, a Director may select a student at another grade level, even if it exceeds the grade-level cap. Placement will follow waitlist order (chronological date). 

All currently enrolled students at CLA for the 2022/2023 school year will start the Intent to Return process on April 1, 2024. Beginning April 1, 2024, all new students wishing to enroll with CLA for the next school year will have to fill out the 2024/2025 Intent to Enroll Form. This identifies the students who will be pulled in the Lottery held on May 3, 2024.

CLA Lottery– The Intent to Enroll process runs from April 1st to April 30th.  On April 30th, the school will close the open enrollment list and process all properly filed student and current student siblings' applications for automatic enrollment.  Siblings of returning students are given priority enrollment as long as there is space in their grade level, at which point the sibling will be given preferential placement on the waitlist.  On May 3, 2024, the school will hold its lottery draw to fill any remaining seats open after the automatic enrollments are submitted.

CLA Intent to Enroll Process – Students who intend to enroll with CLA, either for placement in the annual lottery or placement on the waitlist, will have to complete all steps in the Intent to Enroll Process before they can be placed on the waitlist. The timestamp for their placement on the waitlist will be from the time that all the Intent to Enroll Processes have been completed. 

Intent to Enroll Process includes the following steps (meetings include student and legal guardian): 

  • Submitting the Intent to Enroll form on CLA’s website

    • Intent to Enroll lists will be broken into “Out-of-District Residents” and “In-District Residents”. 

      • Stage 1 Meeting: the initial meeting with a CLA representative (meeting may be in person or virtually)

      • Stage 2 Meeting: Academic Review Meeting, the meeting will be in person, with CLA academic advisor.

        * Note: CLA may require proof of residency for students registered as "Out-of-District Resident"

CLA Wait List – Students not chosen in the drawing, and any students who apply after April 30th, will constitute the 2024/2025 school waiting list. The traditional charter programs (Kinder through 12th grade) will constitute the waitlist. Names on the list will be pulled as they were entered in chronological order and following the set grade level caps.  Names on the 2023/2024 waitlist do NOT automatically roll over to 2024/2025.   

CLA Registration – In order for students who were selected in the lottery to accept their seats in the school, they will need to submit registration forms by Monday, May 6, 2024.  Registration instructions will be posted on CLA’s website.  It is a student’s family's responsibility to complete the registration process on time to secure enrollment for the next school year.

Please let us know if you have any further questions about the enrollment lottery!

For more detailed information please contact our office at (541) 879-3620.